Monday, January 16, 2012

In case you hadn't seen this already.... video platformvideo managementvideo solutionsvideo player


  1. Apparently they now think it was from a lightning strike a couple of weeks ago that began burning it from the inside out.

  2. It's amazing how the media can report so fast on assumptions, only to find out after the shock factor wears off that it may NOT have been those "crazy" kids.
    How could I have been so silly, the media is NEVER wrong.

  3. Artifact and relic hunting are outdoor activities, my question is , are they consumptive or non-consumptive? Yes, they take something, but is what is taken part of the natural environment?

  4. Not sure how the powers that be consider them, but I would venture that they consider it consumptive. don't know what the statute of limitations is on what is considered an artifact, but there are strict laws governing the removal of such "cultural resources"...would be a good discussion question.
